Sunday, 14 October 2012

Alternative view of the Cardiff half marathon

Today was supposed to be the day. The day when all the training, healthy(ish) eating, no alcohol drinking came together and I ran my first half marathon. Except three weeks ago I ran too far in knackered trainers and got injured again. It was such a hard decision to pull out - my heart was telling me that with a load of painkillers I would be able to make it round the course. I was up to 12 miles non stop in my training plan so knew I could run the distance. However, everything I had been taught at uni over the last two years was in my head, and I knew I shouldn't do it.

I even paid out to see a physio twice - costing me a whole long weekend's worth of supermarket checkout wages, in the hope that I would be able to be fixed by some miracle machine and a bit of massage. Sadly, it wasn't to be. Today was not my day. I am left wondering if it will ever be my day.

It was tempting to abscond from Cardiff for the weekend, so I could just forget all about it. However, my dad had signed up because I had, and it seemed a bit mean not to hang around and support him. Lliswerry Runners had teamed up with St David's Hospice Care to man the water station at 11 miles, so me and my mum decided to go along and help out with that, and hopefully cheer on some of our runners as well. This turned out to be a good decision; it was actually lots of fun, although quite wet at times, as the faster runners have a tendency to take a single sip then chuck the bottle in any direction therefore soaking anyone who happens to be in the wrong place at the time. It was really nice to be thanked by some of the runners for being there, I must remember that myself the next time I'm taking part in an event; I don't think most people appreciate the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to make the big events the success that they are.

It was lovely to see people from the club out on the course, knowing how hard some of them had worked to be there and that they were within sniffing distance of the finishing line. I'm liking the Lliswerry love and happiness on facebook tonight as well. 

A huge congratulations to all who ran today, especially everyone at Lliswerry Runners and the boys from Cardiff Uni Physio 3rd year, you were all fabulous. Hopefully next year I will be there too.